The Rising Influence: Evangelical and Protestant Churches in Chile

Chile, a country traditionally associated with Roman Catholicism, has been witnessing a significant shift in recent years with the increasing importance of Evangelical and Protestant churches. These religious denominations, once on the periphery, have been steadily growing in prominence. In this blog post, we will explore the factors behind this transformation and the implications it holds for Chilean society. The Emergence of Evangelical and Protestant Churches Historically, Chile has been predominantly Catholic, with Roman Catholicism deeply embedded … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture
The Sacred Blend: Religion in Chile – Where Spanish and Indian Traditions Converge

Religion plays a vital role in shaping the cultural tapestry of Chile, a country that has been profoundly influenced by both Spanish colonialism and the indigenous Mapuche culture. The religious beliefs in Chile are a unique blend of Catholicism, introduced by the Spanish conquistadors, and indigenous spiritual practices. We will explore the fascinating convergence of Spanish and Indian traditions in Chilean religious life. The Spanish Arrival: Catholicism Takes Root When Spanish conquistadors arrived in Chile in the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture
Art as a Catalyst for Change: Chilean Artists’ Resistance Against Oppression

Chile’s rich history and vibrant culture have been shaped by a variety of influences, both internal and external. One of the most significant aspects of this history is the role that artists have played in resisting oppressive government regimes. Throughout the years, Chilean artists have used their creativity and voices to challenge authority, express dissent, and call for social and political change. In this blog post, we will delve into the compelling stories of how … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture
Chile Facts

Basic facts and numbers about Chile Capital: 17 million (2011 est.) Official language: Spanish. Other languages such as Aymara, Mapuche, Rapa Nui and Quechua are spoken by minorities. Area: 756,096 square kilometers or 291,930 square miles. 70% Roman Catholic, 15% Evangelical, 1% Jesus Christ of Latter day Saint, 1% Jehova’s Witness. 0.1% Jewish and 8% Atheist or Agnostic. Divorce was illegal until 2004. Currency: Chilean Peso Life Expectancy: 76 years. Literacy: 96% GDP per capita: $17,400 (2011 est.) Main Exports: Copper, fruit, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture, Featured
Biography of Pablo Neruda

Green was his favorite color, he always wrote in green as it was the color of hope. Gabriel García Marquez, Colombian novelist, once referred to him as “the greatest poet of the 20th century in any language”. He was a communist who fought for world unity and peace, persecuted in his country and forced to exile, his work is a reflection that safeguards the cultural heritage of Chile and the entire South American continent. Childhood Pablo Neruda’s … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture
Works by Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda’s selected work: 1923 – Crepusculario – Book of Twilight 1924 – Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada. Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair. Poem. 1924 – Paginas escogidas de Anatole France. Anthology. 1926 – Tentativa del hombre infinito. The Trying of Infinite Man. Santiago: Nascimento 1926 – Anillos. Rings. Poem. Santiago: Nascimento. 1926 – El habitante y su esperanza. The Habitant and his hope. Prose. Santiago: Nascimento. 1933 – El hondero entusiasta. Santiago: Empresa Letras. 1933 – … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture
Public Holidays in Chile

Most are related to religion, in particular the Catholic religion, and historical events. More than 70% of the is Roman Catholic. Over the past few decades the Evangelical and Protestant faiths have been gaining ground accounting for 15% of the population who declare themselves as belonging to those religions according to Chile’s National Statistics Institute (INE). To recognize their increasing importance in 2008 the government established a new official public holiday, Reformation Day, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture
Arts and Literature in Chile

Chile has a remarkable record of artistic and literary achievement considering its relatively small population. Social and political circumstances have had a strong impact on inspiring groups of artists to protest against policies of the regime and rousing strong emotions which translated into works of art and cultural achievement in different fields. Art in Chile works as a reflection that safeguards the cultural heritage of the country. The conquest of Chile by the Spanish and the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture, Popular
Chile Holidays and Festivals

Chile’s holidays and festivals have their roots in historical events and religion. Religion plays an important part in Chilean’s lives, some of Chile’s most important celebrations are based on religious beliefs combining Spanish and Indian tradition. Chileans honor Catholic saints with festivals that usually include processions in which religious statues are carried on the streets, people wear traditional brightly colored costumes and dance to folk music. To recognize the increasing importance of the Evangelical and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture
Food and Cuisine in Chile

Chilean cuisine varies depending where you are, because of its ecological and climatic diversity there is a great variety of products available in different regions. All the different regional cuisines are a combination of traditional native Chilean dishes and ingredients, European and in a lesser extent Middle Eastern influences, creating the Chilean Creole cuisine. Three distinct cuisines can be distinguished; the cuisine of the North, Central and South. Because of Chile’s long coast seafood is the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture