Chile City Life

Four out of five Chileans live in cities along the coast. The countryside has seen large exodus of residents looking for a better opportunities in the cities. Most people migrate to but there are not enough jobs or places to live. They settle around the city and many families live in crowded areas called callampas or mushrooms, here they build small shacks where there is no electricity of running water. According to Chile’s National Statistics … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture
Chile Population

Chileans are a diverse people whose roots are found in both South America and Europe. The original inhabitants of Chile include the Ona and Yahgan tribes in the south, the Mapuche in the south of the Central Valley and the Atacameno and Diaguita Indians who lived in the Atacama Desert in the north of the country. Today they represent only 4.5% of the population. As the Spanish conquered most of South America many men inter … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture