Chilean Wines

Most people would agree that Chilean wines are becoming one of the best in the world. The great varieties of vines, modern and innovative technology and an improved marketing program have made Chilean wines sought after all around the world. Chile is now the fifth largest exporter of wines in the world, and the ninth largest producer. Natural conditions are ideal in Chile for wine producing. Part of its success is due to the of Chilean … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chilean Wines, Featured
Chile Facts

Basic facts and numbers about Chile Capital: 17 million (2011 est.) Official language: Spanish. Other languages such as Aymara, Mapuche, Rapa Nui and Quechua are spoken by minorities. Area: 756,096 square kilometers or 291,930 square miles. 70% Roman Catholic, 15% Evangelical, 1% Jesus Christ of Latter day Saint, 1% Jehova’s Witness. 0.1% Jewish and 8% Atheist or Agnostic. Divorce was illegal until 2004. Currency: Chilean Peso Life Expectancy: 76 years. Literacy: 96% GDP per capita: $17,400 (2011 est.) Main Exports: Copper, fruit, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture, Featured
Easter Island Statues – moai

The massive 887 stone statues or moai built in Easter Island by the Rapa Nui are unique. Although there are stone figures in other Polynesian islands none of them are of the size of the Easter Island statues. The largest finished statue reaches more than 30 feet or 9.14 meters and the smallest 6 feet or 1.80 meters. Many moai were never finished, in fact the largest one found was unfinished and would have stood … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Travel and Places, Featured, Pacific Islands