Chile Culture » Entries tagged with "Chile literature"
Biography of Pablo Neruda

Green was his favorite color, he always wrote in green as it was the color of hope. Gabriel García Marquez, Colombian novelist, once referred to him as “the greatest poet of the 20th century in any language”. He was a communist who fought for world unity and peace, persecuted in his country and forced to exile, his work is a reflection that safeguards the cultural heritage of Chile and the entire South American continent. Childhood Pablo Neruda’s … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture
Works by Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda’s selected work: 1923 – Crepusculario – Book of Twilight 1924 – Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada. Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair. Poem. 1924 – Paginas escogidas de Anatole France. Anthology. 1926 – Tentativa del hombre infinito. The Trying of Infinite Man. Santiago: Nascimento 1926 – Anillos. Rings. Poem. Santiago: Nascimento. 1926 – El habitante y su esperanza. The Habitant and his hope. Prose. Santiago: Nascimento. 1933 – El hondero entusiasta. Santiago: Empresa Letras. 1933 – … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture
Arts and Literature in Chile

Chile has a remarkable record of artistic and literary achievement considering its relatively small population. Social and political circumstances have had a strong impact on inspiring groups of artists to protest against policies of the regime and rousing strong emotions which translated into works of art and cultural achievement in different fields. Art in Chile works as a reflection that safeguards the cultural heritage of the country. The conquest of Chile by the Spanish and the … Read entire article »
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