Chile Culture » Entries tagged with "holidays"
Public Holidays in Chile

Most are related to religion, in particular the Catholic religion, and historical events. More than 70% of the is Roman Catholic. Over the past few decades the Evangelical and Protestant faiths have been gaining ground accounting for 15% of the population who declare themselves as belonging to those religions according to Chile’s National Statistics Institute (INE). To recognize their increasing importance in 2008 the government established a new official public holiday, Reformation Day, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture
Chile Holidays and Festivals

Chile’s holidays and festivals have their roots in historical events and religion. Religion plays an important part in Chilean’s lives, some of Chile’s most important celebrations are based on religious beliefs combining Spanish and Indian tradition. Chileans honor Catholic saints with festivals that usually include processions in which religious statues are carried on the streets, people wear traditional brightly colored costumes and dance to folk music. To recognize the increasing importance of the Evangelical and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Chile Culture